Cookie Policy


8 September 2024

Cookie Policy

What are Cookies?

We and our agents apply technologies like cookies, pixels, and local storage (like on your browser or device, which is similar to a cookie but holds more information) on our website, in our emails, and identifiers supplied by platform companies to ensure you with a several products and services.

Cookies are little pieces of data that are stored on your browser or device. Pixels are small blocks of code on webpages and in emails that do things like permit another server to survey viewing of a webpage and often are applied in connection with cookies. Local storage is an industry-standard technology that permits a website to store and retrieve data on an individual's computer or device.

What are cookies and similar technologies used for?

We and our agents apply these technologies to do things like making services easier or faster to use, enabling features and storing data about our users and their use of the services; monitoring and figuring out the use of our products and services; and to preserve you, others and our website. These technologies are used by us and our agents to transmit, understand and develop advertising to users of's services on behalf of and other websites that you visit, based on your activity on the services.

We apply cookies and similar technologies for several purposes, including:


We apply cookies, local storage, and similar technologies to recognize you if you are using our services so that we can show you the correct information, realize how you use the services, and personalize your experience. Security – The website uses cookies, local storage, and similar technologies to promote or enable security features we have applied, and to assist us to detect malevolent activity and violations of our Terms of Service. Preferences, features, and services – We apply cookies, local storage and similar technologies to recognize which language our user opts, what their communications preferences are, and in order to assist them fill out forms on the services.


This website may work with advertisers or other partners and advertising service providers to serve ads or services that may be suitable to you based on your inferred interests or location (or both) to computers, mobile phones or other devices, which may use a device ID, cookie, pixel or other similar technology placed by our website or the third party on our Services, or on a third party website. The storing of these cookies, pixels or other technologies on our users' device may enable them to be identified across multiple websites and they should review our Privacy Policy and the privacy policies of our advertisers, partners and advertising service providers to know how they gather and apply their data.


Our website may work with advertisers or other partners to assist them define the efficacy of an advertising campaign by ensuring them with pixels that they store on their websites or advertisements. We work with service providers to assist us to match these pixels with a corresponding device ID, which is then matched against data we maintain.

Performance, Analytics and Research

The website sometimes applies other service providers to assist us to ensure particular products and services and to ensure our data about the use of the Services to develop the services and make it appealing to as many visitors as possible. For instance, applies third-party analytics providers, like Google Analytics to better understand who is applying the service and how users are using it. These service providers may gather and store anonymous information, such as time of visit, pages visited, time spent on each page of the website, IP address, and type of operating system used. Please read their privacy policies to understand that you are comfortable with the way they apply cookies.

Can cookies be turned off?

Most web browsers have a selection for turning off the cookie feature, which will foreclose your browser from admitting new cookies, as well as permitting you to decide on the admission of each new cookie in a diversity of ways. Google has developed a web browser plugin to permit you to opt-out of Google Analytics' tracking software. Also, you can opt out of receiving interest-based advertisements outside of our websites on your mobile device. Please be aware that restricting the ability of websites to set cookies, however, may worsen your overall user experience, and in some cases, the Services will not work properly without cookies, local storage, and similar technologies.

If you would like to find out more about cookies and their use of the Internet, you may find the following links useful: